Dreams: The One in Japan
I had a weird dream the other night. For some reason I was in Japan, and at first I was travelling with my host family, the Lybberts. We had a little red cabin by the sea, by really tall mountains, and I guess you could call it a fjord. A huge, tall ship suddenly appeared at the docks, and my real dad showed up to welcome it. Some shady people were onboard, and my dad was really enthusiastic about getting to come aboard with them. He started throwing long, long ropes up to the very front of the ship, and the shady people aboard caught them and started tieing them to the ship.Meanwhile, my host family all went on a long trip to fetch elderberries for our cabin, apparently the elderberries were a important part of the trip to them. I saw them disappear behind a grassy hill, and never saw them again in the dream.
All of a sudden the main part of the dream started. I was in a van, sitting next to my brother in the back seat with my mom in the front seat and my dad driving. We were driving along a steep hill, still in Japan, and to our right we could see a forest about 1000 feet down. The road was only a foot or so from the abyss, but lined by a thin guard rail. Suddenly my dad starts freaking out saying he's going to kill us all, and smashes the car into the guard rail, which immediately buckles. I open the door, and with one arm and one leg I try to hold the car away from the innevitable. I end up letting go of the van, which plunges down into the abyss beneath, only hitting parts of the muddy slope on the way down. It flips over, befor stopping cold at the bottom. I stare down at the car in desperate disbelief, suddenly seeing my mom running panicked and unharmed away from the vehicle.
Given that we're still in Japan, some different rules of life and death obviously applied. I pop up at the bottom, a few hundred feet left of the car. My mom meets me there, before a Japanese photo lab pops up right by us. We ask the woman working there what to do, and she explains our only option. We had to find my brother and dad's most priced posessions, and maybe then, if they work still after the crash, they can be brought back, seeing as their soul will be contained within it. We walk to the van, and find my dad's electrical shaving machine, and flip the switch.
It turns on, and my dad suddenly comes alive. So does my brother, and then everything is okay.
Japan was unforgettable.
Labels: Dreams