Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Resuscitation Now

Resuscitation Doll at School

Today's pictures are from my first aid lecture at school today, where we practiced resuscitation on a life sized doll. It was freakish to enter the room and find an unconscious "person" on the floor, but then it didn't look so eerily real up close. Very important lecture, though.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Working Three to Ten

What a way to make a living.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Snow That Turned Into a Problem

Bus 31 finds itself in an interesting situation today after trying foolishly to drive through a couple of feet of snow... This was the sight that met me and my brother at 11 today when we got back home from a trip to his school. The bus was stuck for about 20-30 minutes before it finally got loose. Funny, though.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Bing og Ba

This is a cartoon character I found tremendously fascinating when flipping through the channels the other day. He (at least I think it's a he) is the cutest thing, and I love his cute facial expressions and that little tooth in front.

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