Saturday, September 22, 2007


My new word, clichodium, has the following definition:

Clichodium, n. (from cliché and the latin odium): an abhorrence, a hate coupled with disgust, for clichés.

Clichodious, adj. (derived from 'clichodium'): someone possessing a hate coupled with disgust for clichés.


I Think It's Funny How...

  • I start researching "I am so tired" on Google when I'm up past 3 am.

  • When songs get stuck on repeat in my WinAmp music player, I don't realize it until it's gone on at least 3-4 times.

  • I always want to write a novel when I'm up late at night.

  • The need to sleep becomes so strong sometimes I just lie down (yes, that is the correct spelling of this tense of 'to lie') on the couch and fall asleep, spontaneously. Sleep deprived much?

  • There is an actual name for what I'm suffering from, a.k.a. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, DSPS (see link).

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