Road Trip Options
I'm about to embark on my adventurous (and spontaneous) road trip, and I've made two possible routes depending on how sick I am of driving by the time I get to Kansas:
I'll keep you updated on which one I choose from my phone as I go! Stay tuned to this blog in the coming days!! :)
Labels: Road Trips, Travel
Chillaxing in Britton

The collection of snacks and other joyful items that made this weekend possible.
Homeward Bound

On our way home.
Stuck Again

We made it to Denver, halfways, but then the standby list here got cut off right before us. Nice. Now we should be on the plane leaving in another four hours. B-e-a-utiful.
Stand By Please

Kab C and Cog A are now number 3 and 4 on the standby list. Crossing our fingers.
The Joy of the Journey

We missed our flight out of LAX this morning, so now we have to get a new flight. Sweet-o..
We Always Have Time for Dinner

Chicken as part of our three course meal with the group.
The Sunset

Getting ready for a late night.
CA Meeting Fun

Okay, so sitting inside in meetings when the Californian sun is shining outside is not the best way to spend the morning.
ANSA in tha House

Our official Norwegian Summit just started. The meeting will last for 7 hours, so stay tuned for more updates when I get bored.. That won't take long.
Santa Monica Pier and the Pacific

Our Neighbor. Makes me think of the show "Pacific Blue."
Palm Tree Morning

On my way to breakfast.
Early Morning Observation

Fishing for money.

At world famous Rodeo Drive and Sunset Blvd.
Still Sightseeing


City View

Los Angeles!

Finally. Slept all the way here.
What a Breakfast

If ever in the Denver airport... Wow.
Almost There

We are halfways: Denver, Colorado. And our plane leaves for Los Angeles in an hour. Breakfast time!
Prep Work

Packing and getting ready still. And no, nothing is actually in the suitcase yet - two hours before we leave for the airport.